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Looking back at 2022


As I look back on the images I’ve captured over the past year, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Each photograph represents a moment in time that I was able to freeze and preserve forever. Some images stand out as particular favorites – perhaps because of the unique composition, the emotional connection I felt to the subject, or the way the light perfectly captured the scene. As I reflect on these images, I am reminded of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us every day, and the power of photography to capture and share those moments with others. As a photographer, it’s always rewarding to see how my skills and artistic vision have evolved over time, and looking back at my favorite images from the past year helps me to see that progress. It’s also a great opportunity to remember all of the wonderful people, places, and moments that I’ve had the privilege of capturing through my lens. While every image holds its own special meaning and memories for me, there are a few that stand out as particularly meaningful or memorable. These are the images that I will always treasure and look back on with pride and joy.

I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to witness some of the biggest and most meaningful moments in people’s lives and to be given the honor of documenting them through my lens. Whether it’s a couple’s wedding day, their engagement celebration, or a family session, these are the events that truly make life worth living. Being able to capture the joy, love, and emotion of these moments is truly a privilege and one that I don’t take lightly. It’s an honor to be able to provide people with beautiful and timeless images that they will be able to look back on and cherish for years to come. These are the moments that truly make my job as a photographer rewarding and fulfilling.

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Maine Photographer

Capturing the Moment for Brides, Mothers, Seniors, & Families

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